Portfolio Analysis
Jim Stellakis will personally analyze your portfolio and suggest monthly alternatives and alterations consistent with your investment goals. In order to help you stay ahead of the crowd, Jim will provide you with a monthly report, tailored to your goals and portfolio, complete with a record of previous recommendations; he will list his latest ideas, and clearly explain how they could help your returns.
Investment Idea Generation
By subscribing to Jim’s Investment Idea Generation list you’ll receive Jim’s new recommendations wherever he finds them. Jim’s Idea Generation is a great way to redeploy client capital with timing that’s ahead of the curve.
Media Consultation
If you’re due to give a talk in person, on line, or in a television studio, Jim will give you a one hour briefing, preparing you for the media narratives that have been over-repeated, giving you unique insight into stories no one else is covering, or giving you a unique perspective that will be predictive and valuable for viewers.
Unique Thoughts
As an added bonus, Jim will highlight views from researchers who aren’t over or underheated.